Filecoin Simple Storage(FS3)

FS3 is a bridge connecting S3 and Filecoin. It makes migrating large-scale data from S3 to the Filecoin network possible without redesigning the system.

The bridge Between Amazon S3 and Filecoin

PB-Scale Data Migration to the Filecoin Network

FS3 offers a more cost-effective and faster solution to transfer data smoothly.

Industry Standard Compatibility

Ecosystem developers can use FS3 as a local container to communicate directly with Filecoin or deploy images to AWS or other cloud services.

Diverse Data-processing Capability

FS3 can process structured and unstructured data, including log files, artifacts, backups, container Images, photos and videos.

Auto Data Backup

Automatic data backup can be realized without pre-paying for storage spaces.

Multiple Use Cases

FS3 meets the basic needs of application developers for data storage, backup, recovery, and usage.

Cost-effective storage

FS3 can reduce developers’ data storage costs while ensuring high-quality data access experience.

Tutorial : How to install FS3
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